Wicking System.

A wicking bed is an Australian invention; a self-watering garden bed that increases food production with minimal water usage.

A water-proof liner creates a reservoir beneath the soil from which the water wicks up. The bed is filled through a down pipe that runs along the bottom.

A bottom layer of stones is separated from a top layer of soil by a geotextile creating layers that allows for the passage of water but prevents soil seeping down. An overflow pipe maintains the ideal water level.

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Site Prepared & Delivered.

We’ll take the hassle out;

  • Discuss your desired location and assess the site for suitability and access.

  • Prepare the site to ensure it is level. (reasonable amount of levelling only)

  • Deliver the beds

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Installed & Planted.

No need to source your own soil!

As part of our service we will fill your beds with a special soil mix made of:

  • organic compost

  • mushroom compost

  • sandy loam

  • manure

Then we top it off with sugar cane mulch to protect your soil from evaporation and improve the structure.